What is Balducci's Marketplace?
Marketplace is here to help you find unique products you'll love and get them shipped to your door. We're partnering with select third-party sellers to give you easy access to great products you can't find in your local Balducci's. We're carefully choosing partners who can provide exceptional products and a great customer experience.
How do I know if I am placing an order with a Marketplace third-party seller?
Third-party sellers' products will be marked as “Sold and Shipped” by the seller. Marketplace products can be found in search and browse, or within the Marketplace section of the website or app. If you shop with multiple Marketplace sellers, each one will have its own cart during checkout. You will also have a separate cart for your Balducci's DriveUp & Go™ and delivery items.
What’s the difference between Marketplace and Balducci's ordering?
Marketplace orders are shipped, while Balducci's orders are delivered locally. Both options allow you to shop online and enjoy easy delivery. With Marketplace, orders will ship via carriers like UPS, USPS and FedEx, arriving in as little as three days. Marketplace offers dry and pantry goods you can't find at your local Balducci's, as well as Health & Beauty, Pet, Baby, Household and Kitchen items. Over time, Marketplace will continue to add new items and categories for you to discover!
Balducci's is also still here for home delivery or Drive Up and Go™ pickup!
Do the Marketplace items appear in the same shopping cart as my Balducci's items?
No. Your Marketplace items will appear in a separate cart and require a separate checkout.
Do Marketplace items fall under the Balducci's 100% Item Satisfaction Guarantee?
Absolutely! We want you to love your order. If you are unsatisfied with any item you purchase through Marketplace, contact our customer service at (877) 505-4040 between 5:00 AM and 10:00 PM Pacific Time within 30 days of delivery , and we will credit your payment method. Please note that this satisfaction guarantee does not cover damage caused by improper use, storage or accidents after delivery or any ordinary wear and tear on durable goods. You may have certain rights under manufacturers’ warranties (if applicable).